Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Question:  Is there any Zakat payable on (Qard) loan money by lender? if it is then, is it payable after the receipt of the loan or before?

Answer: If the loan money is up to the nisab i.e due to the level of payable amount of Zakat, then Zakat will be wajib to pay. The money lender still remains the owner of that money, so whenever he wants to retrieve the money back he can. Thus the money will be regarded as he possess as he would in first place. If the Zakat has not been paid while remained loan to other person, then you can pay it in all together after it has been retrieved. Or alternatively, it can be paid in advance before retrieving it back.

 Reference: [1] Ad durr-ul-Mukhtar vol-3:237