Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Question: According to the Shariah, how old a bride and a groom has to be to get married? Is there a specific age and does it have to be different in age for both bride and groom?

 Answer: Shariah did not place any specific rule regarding age for a bride or groom to get married. This all depends on the party when they’re ready to get married after becoming mature. Again there is no specific rule for both to have different in age, however, in practical sense there do exist age differences between both and this all depends on how each other accept it.

Moreover, it should be born in mind that the Prophet s.a.w has encouraged us to get married soon as possible especially when one has a strong feeling that without getting married it will be impossible to keep the chastity, i.e keeping away from committing adultery or sin.

Now the time is the “time of fitnah”, with all our surroundings and modern means, it is more prevalent to fall in to the trap of committing sin than ever before. Thus, it is strongly advised to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w. to protect ourselves.

References: [1] Bukahri: 5063 [2] Muslim: 1401 [3] Nasai: 2390 [4] Ahmed: 6477 [5] Mushkilul Athar: 1241 [6] Sahih Ibn Hibban:317