Question: Now a days it is a common practice for some brothers to start another Jama’ah when they miss the actual Jama’ah in the mosque. I want to know is this allowed?
Answer: In regards to takrarul jama’ah (many jama’ah) in the same place or mosque, there are several methods for permissibility:
(1) A place where there is no fixed Imam or Muazzin and there are only selected Musallis. For example in hospitals, airports etc. In those places many jama’ah is permissible.
(2) A place or Masjid which is not purpose built as Masjid, it is permissible as above.
(3) A Masjid where it has a separate room or courtyard annexed to the Masjid, it is permissible too.
In contrary, if the mosque is purpose built and Imam & Muazzin are fixed, second Jama’ah should not take place unless, necessary circumstance exist.
Reference: [1] Radd al Muhtar vol-2:288/289