Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Question: Does the qadha Salah has to be read before jama’ah or after jama’ah?

Answer: If the qadha Salah of a person under his responsibility is five (waqt) or less then he will be regarded as Sahib-e-Tartib (under a duty to perform chronologically). At that time it is necessary to perform the qadha first even if he has to miss the Jamah.

On the other hand, if a person has more than five Salah due then it can be performed after the Jama’ah provided that it is not makrooh time. Similarly if a person forgetfully performs Salah with Jama’ah and then remembers that he has qadha Salah due then also it can be performed after the Jama’ah.

Reference: [1] Ad durrul Mukhtar vol-2:68 [2] Al-Bahrur Raiq, vol-2:82 [3] Sharh Bikaya vol-1:183