Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Question: What does Mut’ah mean? Is Mut’ah marriage allowed in Islam? Is Mut’ah marriage approved by all madhahib? I want to know in detail.

Answer: Literal meaning of Mut’ah is to benefit from something. Mut’ah marriage refers to a temporary time, for example a man marries a woman for a length of period in lieu of a particular amount of money. This is a pre-Islamic tradition existed in Arab culture. Even at the beginning of Islam, this Mut’ah was permitted for a temporary time till it was abrogated and became haram permanently. The main principle concerning the marriage is that it should be for ongoing and permanent and not just temporary.

Since it was abrogated, no madhahib permits this practice and now only the corrupt Raafidi (i.e one branch of Shi’ah) upheld this prohibited practice. Overall this was pre-Islamic practice and not invention by Islam, just like the wine was a common practice from pre-Islamic time and latter was prohibited, thus, this Mut’ah marriage was abrogated forever until the day of Judgement.

References: [1] Surah al-Mu’minoon, (23:5-7) [2] Bukhari: 3979, [3] Muslim: 1407 [4] Muslim: 1406