Thu. Mar 13th, 2025


Islamic Nikah or marriage is considered both social and sacred contract. This is based on mutual agreement between bride and bride-groom known as husband and wife. Marriage provides mental peace to couple. Allah swt says in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Ar-rum v:21

“And one of His Signs is that He has created wives for you so that you may find peace of mind in them, and has put love and compassion between you, most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect”.

The mutual consent of both man and woman must be sought before Nikah takes place. The consent should be done in both verbally and in writing. In the contract of marriage there must be two male witnesses present.

If you prefer your marriage to be solemnised by Darul Ifta London, we are happy to conduct the ceremony at your preferred venue on prior booking.

To make an arrangement please contact us on the form below or download either pdf or Microsoft filable form.

Our price for conducting the Islamic Nikah within the London area is £220.00, we will provide “Islamic Marriage Certificate” after conducting the Nikah.

If however, the venue is outside of London city then we will charge depending on the distance varying from £300 to £400 plus travelling cost but we recommend to seek someone from local area in this instance.