Thu. Jan 16th, 2025

Question: If the Imam is sitting in Salah due to an injury, should the Muqtadi (followers) do the same?

Answer: (1) Imam Ahmad, Awzai, Ibn Munzir r.a opinions are, if the Imam is sitting then muqtadi should do same.

(2) Imam Malik r.a says if the muqtadi is capable of standing then he should not sit despite the Imam sitting.

(3) Imam Abu Hanifa, Shafie r.a holds he opinions that the muqtadi should not sit rather stand and pray as he does not have any valid reason to sit. Therefore, we can say that without having any valid reason muqtadi should stand and pray as standing in the prayer is Fard.

References: [1]Muslim:417 [2] Abu Dawud:603 [3] Ad-Darimi:1311 [4] Tahawi:924 (Sahih-by Allama Aini r.a.) and it is narrated by Abu Musa Ash’ari r.a.