Islamic Fatwa section
This section is about the Islamic Fatwa. We have categorised in to different headings hence, the relevant questions that you are seeking can be located very easily by scrolling down at each section or headings.
You may ask any question in following categories:
Islamic Nikah Ceremony
Martial problems
Divorce or Khula (regarding application)
Men’s Issue
Women’s issue
Other issues/questions
Please adhere to the following sunnah/etiquettes of asking questions:
1. Start in the name of Allah, and by greeting
2. State your question very briefly and precisely
3. Preferably number them if you have more than one question.
4. Do not ask more than one question if it requires huge research, and not more than two questions at a time.
5. Do not ask any tricky questions which may lead to doubt on Islam or put our institution on question
6. Do not ask question on non beneficial either in this world nor in here after
7. Do not ask such question which will create division among the Umaah and break the social cohesion
8. Allow us at least 7 to 10 days to answer your query as we are extremely busy with other tasks! If you need urgent answer then we suggest you look elsewhere!
9. If you do not receive an answer within the prescribed time as above, please send an email as a reminder
You can also ask question through the button below
NOTE: We will not answer any Talaq related Fatwa until a full written statement is provided and a fee of £150 is paid. We will provide the answer in a written format for evidential purpose.
Alternatively you can contact us via
email: contact@diftalon.com
Mob: 07956741727
Message: Normal/WhatsApp
OFFICE TIME: MON – THU 10:00 – 6:00 PM FRI 3:00 – 6:00PM
Please only call if it’s urgent/need some general advice on above matters or need assistance before making application. Please also adhere to the office time when calling or messaging/emailing or asking any Fatwa/question. Strictly you will not get any response outside office time!