Wed. Mar 5th, 2025

Question:  What is the ruling of using artificial hairs for women in shariah? I heard this is not permissible in any circumstances?

Answer: If the artificial hair is a human hair or hair of pig then its impermissible. Hence it has been given dire warning in the hadith of Rasulullah s.a.w said that the one who puts on hair and the one who puts it for others has been cursed. Using any other hair apart from above mentioned, artificial hair is fine. If this practice is only to beautify oneself other than deceiving others should be ok.

References: [1] Radd al Muhtar vol-6:372 [2] Bazlul Majhud vol-17:58 [3] Bukhari-5933 [4] Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaibah-25743