Thu. Mar 13th, 2025


Darul Ifta London is an institution founded in 2014 by five graduate Ulama to enhance and pursue higher research based education in Islamic jurisprudence. There were no particular institution that time in London city to facilitate such higher studies in Islamic science of Fiqh.

Darul Ifta, whose sole purpose is to introduce the students to the principals and methodological ​issues,​ as well as application of Jurisprudence in our daily live. Appreciate different “School of Thoughts”, scholarship and theory. Thus, specialising in the field of giving Fatwa (Islamic verdict) under the institution.

Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah, we have acquainted with the ability to specialise in answering questions in relation to any of Muslim’s daily or other necessary quarries, under the supervision and guidance of well known scholar, Shaikul Hadith Mufti, Abdur Rahman (hafizahullah).

He is currently teaching Sahih Al-Bukhari for many years along with other Islamic sciences  in London Islamic School known as Ford Square Madrasah and other institutions. He is well known for his expertise in the field of giving Fatwa especially in a social platform who is running an interactive Q&A program in Iqra Bangla TV.


We have all individuals with Islamic academic qualifications from higher institutions abroad. Also here in UK from Islamic universities as well as from secular universities, with undergraduate and post graduate degrees in various fields such as, B.A (Hons), M.A, LLB (Hons), LPC & LLM (Masters).

Why choose Darul Ifta?

We have specialist panel of Muftis who works as a board to handle any quarries both general and complex along with Islamic Talaq and Nikah issues. Thus, your personal queries and above issues will be dealt by a specialist board and after the approval by the board, we will provide you with satisfactory answers and solution in sha Allah.

Our aim is to provide a perfect and broad range of services to the wider Muslims and non Muslims community. Remove misconceptions against Islam, particularly Muslims in the west. Abridge the gap between communities and establish social cohesion through our services and social media networks.

Chairman and chief Mufti of Darul Ifta London

NameMufti Abdur Rahman (d.b)
Qualification(1) Mufti Abdur Rahman studied Islamic theology and other Islamic sciences at very well known institution in Sylhet, Bangladesh, Jamiah Tawaqqulia Renga Madrasa and achieved distinction in all higher level of Islamic sciences and theology including Dawra Hadith (equivalent to MA degree).
(2) Then he further pursued his study in Hadith and Fiqh (Takhassus fil Fiqh (Ifta)) to gain in-depth understanding from the largest and highest ranked institution in Bangladesh, Hathazari Madrasa Chitagong. From this institution he also achieved Awwal darajah (first class) in Takhassus fil fiqh (equivalent to PhD in Islamic Jurisprudence).
Served as Shaikhul Hadith in several madaris in Bangladesh such as: Jamia Madania Kazir bazar and Jamia Islamia Dewlgram.
Also he joined as a teacher in Jamia Tawakkulia Renga Sylhet.
Here in UK from 2003 to 2006 he taught in Madinatul Uloom UK Plaistow as Shaikhul Hadith. Taught various kitaabs including Sahih al-Bukhari.
Current Role/position
Shaikhul Hadith: From 2006 till now teaching in Ford Square Madrasa (known as London Islamic school).
Shaikhul Hadith: Teaching (part time) at Al Rawda Educational institution
Imam and Khatib: ShahJalal Mosque, Manor Park.
Chief Mufti: Darul Ifta London
Runs interactive question and answer program on Iqra Tv Bangla, based on Islamic Shariah law called “Aloor Dishari”. Also volunteers the charitable work for the Al Khair Charity.

Secretary of Darul Ifta London

NameMufti Hafiz Sirajul Haq
QualificationMufti Sirajul Haq grew up in UK, after completing GCSE went abroad.
(1) He studied Hizul Qur’an in local village Madrasa and later in Jamia Arabiya Umed Nagar Madrasa to complete the (dawr for Hifz).
(2) After completing Hifz, he further studied few years in Jamia Arabia Umed Nagar Madrasa.
(3) Gained Ijazah in Qir’ah from famous institution “Darul Qirat Mojidiya Fultoli”.
(4) Here in UK studied Islamic sciences and theology up to Dawra Hadith (Equivalent to Masters degree) in Madinatul Uloom, Plaistow Madrasa UK.
(5) After completing Darse Nizami Alimiyyah program he further pursued his study in different field where he studied law LL.B (Hons) from London South Bank University.
(6) Then, completed LPC (Legal Practice Course to qualify as a solicitor) and LLM (Masters degree) achieving distinction from University of Law (Bloomsbury, London).
(7) Furthermore, he also studied part time “Takhassus fil Fiqh” (equivalent to PhD in Islamic Jurisprudence) under the supervision of Mufti Abdur Rahman (d.b).
(8) Also taken “Takhassus fil Hadith” (specialising in Hadith study) course.
Served as Teacher in several Islamic institutions, including at Madinatul Uloom UK Plaistow. He has more than 20 years of experience in teaching Islamic sciences including Hifzul Qu’ran
Imam and Khatib: Served in three different Islamic cultural centres and Mosques local and in central London
Current Role/position
Secretary and Assistant Mufti: Darul Ifta London
Islamic course co-ordinator